It was once thought that the main problem of the 21st century would be boredom, since all the work would be done by robots, everything would be studied and invented, and people would have nothing to do except for endless entertainment, risking to gradually degrade into the zone of negative IQ values, and there is some truth in this. Two areas that are guaranteed to expand and develop further are information technology and the social sphere, respectively, most of the professions associated with them will remain in demand in the future.

It is impossible to accurately predict for decades to come, so the list of promising professions of the future is tentative and does not pretend to be infallible. So, according to most modern futurists and specialists from employment agencies, in the future (in 10-20-30 years) the following professions will be in demand:

  • IT professions (developers, programmers, testers, security specialists);
  • service center workers (equipment adjustment and repair, consulting);
  • specialists in installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of universal and specialized robots;
  • designers in the broad sense (landscape, shoes, clothing, buildings, things for 3d printers, as well as virtual objects)
  • decorators, who will work closely with designers (“euro-remodeling”);
  • engineers in a variety of fields (nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc.);
  • educators and teachers;
  • specialists in the field of services and beauty;
  • specialists in the sphere of tourist services (hospitality services), collective and individual guides, including in virtual worlds;
  • specialists in the field of logistics (accounting and movement of goods and services);
  • journalists, bloggers, participants in shows and TV;
  • Internet salespeople;
  • managers for the promotion of goods and services, customer retention;
  • professions related to working with elderly people;
  • entertainment professions.

Unfortunately in general and to the delight of some specific people, the number of bored housewives and housewives who will not be constantly occupied with some kind of work will increase significantly, since due to the mass introduction of robots and the growth of labor productivity it will be possible to live well on the social allowance.

Home-based and remote work will become widespread (including virtual reality, the importance of which will be very significant in education). Definitely a person with non-standard and creative thinking will be much easier to find his place in the world of the future, so it is necessary to be able to set goals and try to avoid templates. In your spare time you can carefully study the Atlas of New Professions, in which profile experts have disclosed a wider list of new, promising and disappearing professions. How accurate their expectations will be, we will all see in a dozen years.